
 CP5070 Blog

Welcome to my blog for module CP5070.Im Kieran Lee from DCHE 2B 01 from Team KANX. This module is a continuation of CP5065. For this module, we need to each have an individual blog to document our chemical product journey in order to track changes and avoid mistakes during our journey.

More about myself

I am Kieran and I am part of SP sailing and frisbee CCA. I am also a very adventurous and curious person and I love to try and learn new things during my free time. I often watch informative Youtube on how and why things are designed the way they are.

Personal Goals

For this module, I have two personal goals I hope that I am able to achieve at the end of the module. Firstly, I want to sharpen my CAD skills and produce a more complex product. Secondly, I want to be able to have better project management skills.

In order to achieve both of these personal goals,I would need to have a plan that would allow me to achieve the final outcome.

 For the first goal, I intend to find videos on how to make more complex products and learn the necessary skills that would be useful for me to attain. I also intend to read up on articles on how to use more complex functions. To ensure that I have learnt about the new skills, I also plan to practise on how to use them to ensure that I can apply it in my CADD projects. This will allow me to be more familiar with the software and ensure that I am able to use CADD to the fullest potential.

For the second goal, I plan to read books and watch videos on leadership skills. I intend to apply the skills I learn and put it into practise in our weekly work. In order to achieve that, I need to have more confidence in my teammates' work and trust that they are able to do their own individual part on time.

I will know whether I have accomplished improving my CAD skills when I am able to use the software proficiently and confidently to design complex items by the end of the semester.

For the second goal, I will know whether I have accomplished this goal when I ask for feedback on my leadership skills from my teammates and ask them whether I have improved compared to the last semester in CP5065. I can also use the opportunity to gain more feedback on how to be a better leader so that I am able to use it in the near future such as in my CCA.

Teaming Skills and Tools

Every high-performing team has characteristics that differentiate them from the other teams. The characteristics are

  • Having clear goals tied closely to the team and the team priorities

  • Having defined roles and responsibilities of each member

  • Being able to communicate clearly and effectively

  • Manage work and deadlines based on responsibilities

  • Trust and respect each other


Here are some of the ground rules that we have set for the team.

  • Everyone needs to do contribute and do their part

  • Individual work will be assigned and it needs to be done by the deadline set by the person

  • Help one other out 

  • Voice out opinions openly about each others performance

  • Take feedback from other members openly

  • Submit quality work

For this semester the roles of the members of the team are

Nick: Leader

Xavier: Timekeeper

Anwar: Scribe

Kieran: Target setter

Our meeting will take place every Tuesday night from 6pm to plan and get work done.


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